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The ace of spades means that the person with the tattoo(or more commonly patch on their leathers) will fight to the death in defence of their club.

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Q: What does the ace of spades with wing biker tattoo mean?
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How do planes stay in the air?

As an aircraft's wing moves through the air at speed the air on top of the wing is forced to follow a longer path than the air moving underneath the wing [due to the spahe of the wing] This reduces air pressure on the upper surface of the wing and creates lift.

How does an airplane stay up in the air?

Winglift.Lift is pressure on the wing due differential air pressure below and above wing. This difference results from the difference in curvature of the wing top and bottom..

Does the shape of a plane wing affect the flight?

Yes, wing shape is important for several reasons: If the shape is wrong, then the air flow will peel loose from the wing's upper surface. If this happens, then the air flow becomes turbulent, and the wing can no longer deflect the air. This is called "STALL." So the shape of the wing is important in preventing stall. If a wing was flat like a board, it would work fine as long as it wasn't tilted. If tilted, the air flow peels loose from the leading edge, and Stall is created. But it MUST be tilted in order to create lift. The solution is simple: make the leading edge round, and the trailing edge sharp. An airfoil must be shaped like a streamlined teardrop. That way it can be tilted, and the air still flows smoothly around the leading edge. Stall is prevented. To deflect air and provide lift, the trailing edge of the wing must tilt down. We could tilt the whole wing. But if the wing angle is too steep, the air flow will not follow the wing surface. The wing will "stall." But when flying slowly, less air gets deflected, so the wing must be tilted more. Doesn't this mean that large heavy airplanes can't fly? Would their wings tilt too much, then stall? No, because wings can have an arch shape or cup shape. If a wing is humped up in the center, then it will smoothly deflect air, and stalls are prevented. This shape is called "airfoil camber." A heavy slow plane needs a highly cambered wing. A fast small plane needs a wing which is almost flat. The side view of airplane wings looks like a bent teardrop shape, with a round front and a sharp back. WARNING: some people will tell you that a wing must be curved on top and flat on the bottom. This is wrong. The curves don't matter at all. Instead, the front edge of a wing must be round, and the wing must be cambered (curved.) Some high-lift wings are so cambered that the bottom is not flat at all, instead it arches inwards.

What parts of a plane help to maintain its lift?

Bernoulli's Principal is as the speed of a fluid (liquid or gad) increases the pressure of the fluid decreases. The shape of an airplane wing causes the air to move faster over the top of the wing, thus lifting the wing up.

For what do the letters wa stand?

Wing attack in netball

Related questions

What do a tattoo of wings mean?

Wing tattoo designs can often have inspirational or spiritual symbolism. In many myths, wings often have to be earned.

What is the meaning of ninja single wing tattoo?

The Samurai is the epitome of masculine courage, strength etc. A wing, I have no clue as to what that would mean and the ninja is not commonly tattoo'd in japanese Irezumi, and most certainly tattoo's done in the traditional sense are more so a representation of the person and their story and traits. I have a Dragon with Two Hannya and and water around them. It represents me and my story as well as my traits. So I guess seeing as it's a unique piece, it means what you'd like to to mean. look up the qualities and traits of the Shinobi and the Wing.

Who is the model with a wing tattoo on his chest in marina and the diamonds how to be a heartbreaker music video?

mikkel jensen

What is the meaning on wings tattoo on chest?

There are a couple of meanings for wing tattoos on the chest. They often represent God's love and religion. They can also be a memorial tattoo for somebody and represent and angel and love.

What does fa ala ala mean?

does wing wing

What happens if you don't wash your fresh tattoo?

You want to be careful of your new tattoo. If part of the scab comes off so will the bit of tattoo that the scab is over. I had this happen and lost a line on my dragon wing. I would call the shop where you had it done. They have creams and other items to help you preserve your tattoo.

Does wing span mean one wing tip to the other wing tip?


Where can one find photos of wing tattoos?

One can find photos of wing tattoos on websites like Photo Bucket, We Heart It, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Check out my Ink, Tattoo Johnny or 123 RF.

What does it mean by wing attack in netball?

it means that you`re all ways in the wing

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What is tu in Spanish mean?

that can mean your ear or your wing...depends

What does the prefix ptero mean?

Feather or wing