To answer something
An acronym is a way of shortening a phrase so it is quicker to say or write, For Example: AKA is an acronym of 'Also Known As' and 'SCUBA' is an acronym of 'Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus'
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
GMT=Greenwich Mean Time
Suspected Adverse Reaction Surveillance Scheme.
A unit (as mentioned on the electricity bills) is represented in kWH or Kilowatt Hour. This is the actual electricity or energy used. If you use 1000 Watts or 1 Kilowatt of power for 1 hour then you consume 1 unit or 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) of electricity.
in Acronym Finder in Acronym Finder
SWALEC is an acronym. It stands for South Wales Electricity. It was bought out following the privatisation process of utility companies within the United Kingdom.
The acronym may mean "by us for us" and may be a misstatement of the acronym FUBU.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is an acronym for "What The F**k" using military letter code.
That is not an acronym in any of the Acronym Dictionaries.
We are all adding to global warming when we use electricity, whenever that electricity is generated from fossil fuels. This does not mean that we, or the people of Illinois, should stop using electricity, although there are mreasures we can take to reduce our usage. What Illinois can do is to move away from using coal and oil to generate electricity and towards using renewable resourcesuch as wind, solar and geothermal resources.
Barf is an acronym for "Bile And Regurgitated Food". not slang, but an acronym.
The acronym AQR means Ain't Quite Right.
The acronym ART means Approaching Room Temperature.
The acronym AAA means Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
The acronym ALS means Absolute Loss of Sanity.