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More than 180 degrees. How much more depends on how much of the sphere is covered.

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Q: What does the angles of a triangle add up to on sphere and what insrument is used to measure them?
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How can you draw a triangle with two obtuse angles?

You can draw a triangle with two obtuse angles in a sphere

Is it possible to draw a triangle with three right angles on a sphere?

It is impossible to have a triangle with 3 right angles. It is possible to draw a triangle with three right angles on the surface of a sphere:

How many right angles can a triangle have on a sphere?

462 * * * * * It can have three.

In which country does a triangle have three right angles?

In the country of the Fourth Dimension! In our world a triangle can have three right angles on a sphere: consider the triangle formed by the Equator, Longitude 0o and Longitude 90o.

On the surface of a sphere the sum of the angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees?

That's correct! On the surface of a sphere, the sum of the angles of a triangle can be less than 180 degrees or more than 180 degrees depending on the size of the triangle and the curvature of the sphere. If the triangle is small enough compared to the size of the sphere, the sum will be approximately 180 degrees, but this is not always the case.

Does an equilateral triangle has angles?

All triangles have 3 internal angles. If drawn on a flat plane (that is redundant, but you could imagine a triangle on a sphere or some other shape) the internal angles will add to 180 degrees. In an equilateral triangle all three internal angles are equal.

Can the angles of a triangle add up to more then 180?

If the triangle is on a sphere, then yes. If it's on a flat plane, like a piece of paper, then no.

Could triangles have right angles?

Yes, although a triangle (in normal geometry) can only have one right angle, no more. It is possible for a triangle to have all three right angles in spherical geometry (if you were to draw the triangle on a sphere).

What geometric shapes do not have right angles or angles larger than a right angle?

Circle, cone, cylinder, sphere and equilateral triangle for example.

What shape has three sides and all right angles?

A Triangle drawn accross a sphere; NOT on a plane surface.

A triangle must equal 180 degress?

The Sum of the angles of a triangle drawn on a plain surface. is 180 degrees. However, the sum of the angles of a triangle drawn on a curved surface, such as a sphere ( the Earth) can be greater than 180 degrees.

Would Equilateral triangle can be a right triangle?

What you are asking, and I suspect you don't realise, is "can a triangle's angles add to 270o?" which of course it can not do on a two dimensional surface, It is possible on eg a sphere, think of the angles between 0o and 90o of longitude at the Equator and the Pole...