

Best Answer Ref : The Electronic Absorption Spectra of Lanthanum (III), Cerium (III)and Thorium (IV) Ions in Different Solvents Rafie H. Abu-Eittah*, Sayed A. Marie and Mabrouka B. Salem. Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences & Spectroscopy Received: May 19, 2004 Accepted (in revised form): August 2, 2004 See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a direct link to the pdf of this article.

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Q: What does the atomic absorption spectra of lanthanum look like?
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Why do we say atomic spectra are like fingerprints of the elements?

Atomic spectra are like fingerprints of elements because each element has a unique set of discreet emission or absorption lines in its spectrum. These lines correspond to specific energy levels of electrons within the atoms of that element. By analyzing the pattern and position of these lines in a spectrum, scientists can identify the elements present in a sample.

What is the use of Atomic Absorption in Forensic?

Atomic absorption is used in forensics to analyze trace elements in samples such as blood, hair, or soil. By measuring the absorption of specific wavelengths of light by the atoms in the sample, atomic absorption spectroscopy can determine the presence and concentration of elements like arsenic, lead, or mercury, which can be crucial in solving criminal cases.

What are the 2 words that describe the classification of the 17 chemical elements with the numbers 57-71?

Lanthanides and rare earth elements are the two classifications for the chemical elements with atomic numbers 57 to 71. These elements are a group of 15 metallic elements typically placed at the bottom of the periodic table.

What series are called elements 57 to 70?

Elements from atomic number 57 (Lanthanum) to 71 (Lutetium) are called the Lanthanides. Lanthanide means "like Lanthanum" and so, the Lanthanides are based on Lanthanum. Only one of the Lanthanides is radioactive: Promethium (Pm - No. 61)

Why do i study absorption spectra of the dye?

That seems like a question you should be answering for us. I can think of several reasons for doing so, but why you specifically are doing it, you should know better than we do.

Why is the atomic emission spectra like fingerprints?

Atomic emission spectra are like fingerprints because they are unique to each element. Each element has its own specific set of energy levels and electron configurations, resulting in a distinct pattern of spectral lines when the element emits light. This characteristic pattern can be used to identify and distinguish different elements, similar to how fingerprints are unique to each individual.

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Is lanthanum radioactive?

Most, 99.91%, of the lanthanum found in nature is 139La, which is not radioactive. The other 0.09% is made up of 138La, which is radioactive but has a very long half life of 105,000,000,000 years. Like all elements, lanthanum has synthetic radioactive isotopes.

Why doesn't the action spectrum for photosynthesis exactly match the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a?

The action spectrum for photosynthesis doesn't exactly match the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a because other pigments, like chlorophyll b and carotenoids, also play a role in capturing light energy for photosynthesis. These additional pigments have absorption peaks at different wavelengths, contributing to the overall light absorption by the plant. As a result, the combined absorption spectra of all pigments involved in photosynthesis do not perfectly align with the action spectrum.

What are the atomic numbers from 58 to 71 called?

The atomic numbers from 58 to 71 are called the lanthanide series. They include elements such as cerium, praseodymium, and terbium, and are known for their similar chemical properties and the filling of the 4f subshell.

How atomic spectra are used in the real world?

Atomic spectra are used in various real-world applications such as astronomy to identify elements in stars, in chemistry for analyzing chemical composition and structure, and in physics for studying atomic interactions and energy levels. These spectra serve as unique "fingerprints" for each element, allowing for identification and analysis in diverse fields of science and technology.

What is a lanthanide element?

Lanthanide elements are a group of elements located in the periodic table between barium and hafnium. They have atomic numbers from 57 to 71 and include elements like cerium, neodymium, and europium. Lanthanides are known for their similar chemical properties and are commonly used in various applications such as electronics and catalysis.