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Q: What does the average unit volume mean?
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What is the volume of the average bathroom?

One fixture unit

What unit used to answer volume?

If you mean what unit is used to measure volume then its litres, mililitres, kilolitres, etc...

What is the base unit of volume in the metric system?

If, by 'metric system', you mean the 'SI system', then there is no base unit for volume. The unit for volume is called a 'derived unit', and it is the cubic metre (m3).

What is the average unit volume for McDonald's?

$2.4 Million in 2010

What does volume mean in mathematical terms?

the volume of mean: the total average

What does liter mean in math?

a liter means a unit of volume

What does MBM stand for as a unit of measure?

MBM stands for "Mean BeamMeters." It is a unit of measure often used in forestry for determining the average size of trees within a stand or forested area.

What do density values mean?

density is the mass of unit volume of the substance.

How many ozs equal one sq ft?

none, since ozs is a unit of volume and square feet is a unit of area. Note that we do not mean "zero" by "none". What we mean is that volume can not be converted to area

What is the amount of mass per unit volume in an object mean?

The ratio mass/volume is called density.

What has the capacity of 1 millimeter?

A millimeter is a unit of length, not a unit of volume or capacity. Perhaps you mean a cubic millimeter.

What equals a milieter?

There is no such thing. Check the spelling; perhaps you mean "milliliter" (a unit of volume), or "millimeter" (a unit of length).