'IN' stands for 'innings' and is usually seen in a line of statistics for a pitcher.
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ROE Reached On Error
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Mean, variance, t-statistic, z-score, chi-squared statistic, F-statistic, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon W, Pearson's correlation and so on.
The most common type of statistic would possibly be a batting average in baseball.
It is a defensive statistic that stands for "Assists"
Put Out *Pickoff
ROE Reached On Error
If it's an abbreviation for a statistic, it stands for Total Bases.
Baseball and its not even close.
I do not believe there is an "RE" statistic in baseball. There is an "ER" stats and that refers to "Earned Runs".
The population data may be skewed and thus the mean is not a valid statistic. If mean > median, the data will be skewed to the right. If median > mean, the data is skewed to the left.
There are a number of baseball statistic software programs online. Some of these software programs include 'Bat AVG', 'Score Booth', 'Score Monster' and 'Turbo Stats'.
your about to become a statistic.
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the populations have an excess of heterozygotes