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Q: What does the check on the calculator mean?
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How do you check fraction problem?

If you mean a problem such as: 'what is 64 divided by 3?' you can easily check your anwser with a calculator. If you don't have a calculator, you can also reverse the problem to check your anwser, for example if you got 64/3 = 21.3, then 21.3 multiplied by 3 should equal 64.

What does input on calculator mean?

Input is when you type with the calculator

What number is r on a calculator?

There is no such number on a calculator. If you see "R" on a calculator, it is probably some calculation - for example, conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. Check the manual for your calculator.

What are the real number?

Wow, did you mean to post this in the humor section? The closest thing I can come up with, is How to Break a Calculator. Check out my website to see it.

Is 121618 a pythagorean?

If you mean the three numbers, 12, 16, and 18 - try it out! Use a calculator to check whether 122 + 162 = 182 or not.

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What is the squareroot of 65536?

256. really it is. check with the calculator

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What are the real number system?

Wow, did you mean to post this in the humor section? The closest thing I can come up with, is How to Break a Calculator. Check out my website to see it.

Why is it important to check your answers for reasonableness even when you use a calculator?

you could have done something wrong on the calculator !

Will the graphing calculator do the same as a scientific calculator?

Usually a graphing calculator should have all the capabilities you expect from a scientific calculator (and more, since it does the graphing). For more details, check the manual of your calculator if you already have one.