The expression 'Raise the roof' means to make a loud noise by clapping, singing, shouting. For instance at a gig people would come back from it and say the band 'raised the roof' as in the crowd went crazy, singing, cheering, clapping and shouting.
Replace each variable in the expression by its value and then find the value of the expression.
A Numerical Expression is an expression only using numbers.
An expression is a collection of algebraic terms that does not include an equality sign
An algebraic expression is a collection of terms with no equality sign
Please raise your hand to answer ask questions. Raise the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
Raise the Roof - Tracey Thorn song - was created in 2007-06.
The address of the Raise The Roof For The Arts is: , Sidney, OH 45365-0484
The cast of Raise the Roof - 1995 includes: Bob Holness as Himself - Host
Raise the roof!
Lonelygirl15 - 2006 Raise the Roof 3-56 was released on: USA: 23 April 2008
Hillbilly Blood - 2013 Raise the Roof - 3.3 was released on: USA: 1 February 2014
Raise the roof was a common term of the late 1990's. The term generally describes placing your arms in the air with your hands at a 90 degree angle, as if you were placing them on a ceiling and then moving your arms up and down in the position. Past the actual verb of raising the roof, the meaning can be described as to "hype" up the event that's taking place (hypothetically raising the intensity level of the the roof).
when someone got angry, the would raise their fists in anger and end up hitting the ceiling No one knows for certain when this idiom was first used, but it can either mean hitting the roof with your fists, or being so angry that you jump up and your head hits the roof. The other phrase often heard is "go through the roof."
It means the overcome of a bad situation.
A gabled roof is the triangular portion of a wall between the edges. It is the sloping roof. Thus the type of enclosing roof the volume dictates the shape of the gable. If you built a room over the roof is not possible. So you replace the roof and raise walls and ceiling of the room and replace the roof.