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Q: What does the expression demographic explosion mean?
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Demographic explosion

What does Imtairah mean by the sentence But you are more than just a statistic?

The expression 'you are more than just a statistic' means that the speaker sees you as an individual person, not as part of a group or a demographic.

What does demographic change mean?

Demographic change means there has been a change in the population. The demographic can change in terms of its size, the age of the demographic, lifestyle expectations etc.

What do you call a explosion that is about to happen?

Fire in the hole, is the most used expression i can think of

What does product demographic mean?

'Product demographic' refers to the segment of society that a product will provide the best sales of the product. A company must know the correct demographic for a product in order to design it to appeal to that demographic and design the sales activities to target that demographic.

What does Prior Demographic mean?

Previous Name

What word that mean a volcanic explosion?

A volcanic explosion is an eruption.

What does Slock mean?

it means explosion

What does demograghic mean?

demographic means the statistical study of human population

What has the author Robert A Hackenberg written?

Robert A. Hackenberg has written: 'Aboriginal land use and occupancy' -- subject(s): Tohono O'Odham Indians 'The poverty explosion' -- subject(s): Income, Population, Social classes 'Demographic responses to development' -- subject(s): Demographic transition, Human Fertility, Population

What word explosion of gas between the legs?

The English word is fart. It is a rude word, but not vulgar. Polite expression is "passing gas".

What does it mean to evalutate the expression?

Replace each variable in the expression by its value and then find the value of the expression.