It means that the speaker has finally reached his or her breaking point, usually caused by an disagreeable situation or person.
Straw is the dried stem of a grain plant. A bit means a tiny amount.
Replace each variable in the expression by its value and then find the value of the expression.
A Numerical Expression is an expression only using numbers.
An expression is a collection of algebraic terms that does not include an equality sign
Yeah, I think it was a struggling for da lastr booze. You know what I mean? I mean all the gringos are decadent and wanna go to hell.
The common expression is straw polls.
Straw urine can mean different things including a urinary infection. You should consult your doctor to obtain a correct diagnosis.
Straw is the dried stem of a grain plant. A bit means a tiny amount.
a weak or imaginary opposition
a weak or imaginary opposition
Turkey in the straw
It means that u are weak o fragile like a straw hat is fragile.
Tatami is a type of Japanese flooring made from rice,straw with a covering of woven soft rush straw.
"Turkey in the Straw" is a well known American folk song dating from the early 19th century
Straw, rod (accusative singular).