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Q: What does the expression lead time mean?
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What does the term lead time mean?

lead time

What is mean by the term lead time?

Lead time means a couple different things depending on context, it can mean something such as in journalism it means the time between receiving a writing assignment to completing it. In manufacturing, lead time is comprised into three subcategories, preprocessing lead time, processing leadtime and postprocessing lead time.

What does expression?

An expression is a tool by which you make an impressionat the time when you get the opportunity to express yourself conciously/ unconciouly to others.And thisexpression of yours navigates respondant to respond you.

Where did the phrase get the lead out come from?

The phrase "get the lead out" was very popular during World War II and is a shorter and more polite form of a popular expression at the time "Get the lead out of your ass!" meaning "speed up!".

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Old time expression for a big hit, a success.

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Its an expression meaning "I have not seen you in a long time"

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It has no particular legal meaning as an expression. It may mean a state held a criminal for a period of time.

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The expression is " Biding your time ." and means reserving judgment or waiting to take action or see further developments.

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you have hit an all time low in your life. "rock bottom"

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Is distancetime a mathematical expression in average speed?

yes, if you mean that speed=distance divided by time, also known as distance/time

What does the expression 'finished in the nick of time' mean?

It means you've finished something just before its deadline.