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Q: What does the expression to be in the box seat mean?
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What is the box under the driver's side of seat?

there is a box under the driver's seat in Sentra 2003. What is it for?

How do you spell box seat?

That is the correct spelling, two words, "box seat" (an enclosed seating area or section).

Where is Nsr 125 fuse box?

The Honda 125 motorcycle fuse box is located beneath the seat. Flip the seat up and the fuse box will be visible.

Where is the rear under seat fuse box?

under the left rear seat there is a box that you have to pull the lid off and its under there

Ford Ranger single cab sub box designs?

i have a ford ranger single cab and i have are sxx 12 behind my passenger seat and the box is built to the biggest recommended size the box is just a big square of a box behind the passenger seat with amp on box and a battery behind my seat . and i use to have 2 10's and those just go in the middle of of cab . with the box sitting behind that seat the seat is just moved up some

What is box under Dodge van drivers seat?

storage box.

Where is the fuse box for a kawasaki bayou?

The Kawasaki ATV fuse box is located beneath the seat. Lift the seat up and the fuse box will be visible.

Where is the fuse box located on a 2008 fat boy?

under the seat. remover the passanger seat then the main seat

Where is the fuse box on a 1997 xlh 883 sportster?

under the seat! under the seat!

Where is the fuse box for 2001 Bonneville?

the fuse box is under the back seat

How can you adjust the parking brake on 96 Camry?

There is a compartment box between the driver seat and the passenger seat. At the bottom of the box you can find the adjusting nut.

Where is the fuse box for a 2003 softail standard?

I have an 03 soft tail ... the fuse box is just rear of the battery ..... the battery and fuse box are under the seat .... you'll need to remove the seat to get to it ....