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Q: What does the expression watch out now mean?
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What does expression for good mean?

If you're asking what the expression "for good" means, it's "forever" or "from now on." For example, if someone says "I'm leaving for good," that means they are never coming back.

What does poo poo pa too mean from the little rascals?

The expression was "Boop boop a doop"- a nonsense expression from a song popular back when the Little Rascals was filmed. Watch Betty Boop cartoons, and you will hear Betty use the phrase.

What is does the expression going at it like rabbits mean?

Rabbits are very fast. so it means don't procrastinate, do it now and finish it. This is my view of it.

What does LE mean in a sexual expression?

very simple. escorts use it all the time and it is an abbreviation for Law Enforcement. Happy now?

What does it mean when your given a watch?

Traditionally, when someone retires, a suitable present is a watch. The implication is that they will now have plenty of time on their hands. Often, the employer will present a fine watch, often with an engraved message.

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This expression means " You mean everything in the whole world to me. " A very romantic expression of love.

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Expression which is shown on face while dancing

What does the French expression OUILA mean - is it merely a different spelling for VOILA?

"ouila" does not exist in French, maybe you mean "oui, là" (yes, there) which is about as much as the English expression is used, as it is not really an expression. A close synonym to "voilà" (here comes) is "voici", but it is rarely used. It originally had the same distinction as between "there" (là) and "here" (ici), but it is now blurred.

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How do you tell if a girl hates to be kissed?

ask her, watch her facial expression after you kiss her