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Q: What does the first three numbers on a SS card stand for?
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Related questions

What do American Express card numbers start with?

The first digit is a three.

Is the security code on back of a Visa card the first set of four numbers or the last three numbers?

The security code on any credit card would be the last set of digits on back of the card with is the three digit number

What are CVV2 numbers on a credit card?

This is the three numbers located on the back of the card by your signature.

What are the three numbers on the back of a credit card called?

The three numbers on the back of a credit card are called the CVV (Card Verification Value) or CVC (Card Verification Code).

How many numbers does a credit card security code have to have?

Most cases it is three, and they are the last numbers on the back of your card.

What are the first 4 numbers on a credit card?

the first for numbers of a credit card is well... the first 4 numbers for ex. 0000 0000 0000 0000 the first 4 ... its simple

What do the numbers on a credit card mean?

The first digit of a credit card indicates the type of credit card you are holding. Three is American Express, 4 is a Visa card, 5 is MasterCard, and 6 is Discover. The numbers that follow identify the issuing institution; indicate the type of card, whether debit or credit; and are numbers assigned to you by the issuing institution.

What is the name in ranganathan's three card system?

ranganatha's three card system was first experimented in a

What are the last three numbers on the credit card?

nobody fall for the scam

How many numbers does a credit card ID normally have?

Credit card ID numbers have three (Discover, Visa, MasterCard) or four (American Express) digits.

What a CID number mean in shipping?

its the last three numbers on the back of the card

What are the first two numbers in an American express card is?