Expressed as a decimal fraction, 563/1000 is equal to 0.563.
The fraction 22/7 is equal to approximately 3.14 in decimal form.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/9 is equal to 0.5 recurring, or 0.555...
The fraction 6/20 can be simplified to 3/10. In decimal form, this is equal to 0.3.
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Expressed as a decimal fraction, 563/1000 is equal to 0.563.
It is 0.06
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/32 is equal to 0.15625.
The fraction 22/7 is equal to approximately 3.14 in decimal form.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 1/7 is equal to 0.142857 recurring (that is, 0.142857142857...)
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/9 is equal to 0.5 recurring, or 0.555...
1/3 is a non termination decimal. It is .33333 repeating forever
The fraction 6/20 can be simplified to 3/10. In decimal form, this is equal to 0.3.
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Written as a vulgar fraction, 3/100 is in fact already in its simplest form. As a decimal fraction, it is equal to 0.03.
The vulgar fraction 2/5 is already expressed in its simplest form. Expressed as a decimal fraction, it is equal to 0.4.
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 12/20, or twelve twentieths, is equal to 3/5, or three fifths.Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 0.6.