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Q: What does the gearing ratio indicate?
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What is gearing ratio and its importance?

gearing is where a company analyses its financial expenditure on its operations

What is the significance of the gearing ratio in a bicycle and how does it affect the overall performance and efficiency of the bike?

The gearing ratio in a bicycle is important because it determines how easily the rider can pedal and how fast they can go. A higher gearing ratio means the bike is harder to pedal but can go faster, while a lower gearing ratio makes it easier to pedal but slower. The right gearing ratio can improve the bike's performance and efficiency by allowing the rider to maintain an optimal pedaling cadence for different terrains and speeds.

What is a 'see through gearing ratio?

The see through gearing ratio is a gears that spin. There are gears in almost everything that chines and spins like cars, transmissions and VCR's.

How do you improve gearing ratio of a company?

reducing liabilities or to increase the input of equity funds, to have a less risky gearing ratio. This will contribute to the long term stability of the business.

Should non controlling interest be included in the gearing ratio?


It has been said thatthe company can either protect its networth or its gearing ratio but not both from flactuating exchange rates comment on the above giving reasons?

please help, what is net worth or gearing ratio of a company

Capital gearing ratio?

Gearing Ratio = Long Terms Loan/ Capital employed *100 The Higher the ratio the more the business is exposed to interest rate fluctuations and to having topay back interest and loans before being able to re-invest earnings.

How does a company lower their gearing ratio?

Easiest way is to make a Rights issue of shares.

Why is the gearing ratio of the triceps surae gastrocnemius and soleus in elite human sprinters high?

The gearing ratio of the triceps surae gastrocnemius and soleus in elite human sprinters is high because of the ability to accelerate within the first few seconds.

Does a ratio indicate division?

A ratio can indicate division. If you have a ratio, x:y, then it can be thought of as x/y.

How gearing down works?

Gearing down works by changing the gear ratio on the transmission, transfer case, or differential. It increases the RPM of the input while reducing the output RPM to increase power.

How fast will you go with a 5.5 on a minibike?

it all depends on your gearing ratio i had a 5 on mine and it went 45 mph!