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The horizontal axis usually represents the independent variable. One example is time. Time will change regardless of what problem you are analyzing with a graph. It could be seconds elapsed in a motion graph. Or it could be months, in a sales chart, for example. Distance could be another example of an independent variable. It just depends on what type of problem you are graphing.

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Q: What does the horizontal axis represent?
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In the Argand diagram (complex plane), numbers on the horizontal axis represent real numbers.

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The x-axis represent the horizontal line while the y-axis represents the vertical line.

What does Horizontal line represent?

if u mean math then its the x-axis if u want the vertical then its the y-axis

Does the horizontal axis of a line chart represent variable quantity?

No, it could be a qualitative variable.

What does the hrizontal axis represent?

The domain. The independent variable. The x values in a function or two variable equation. Normally, the numbers on the horizontal axis represent the data you start with to figure out what will happen when you apply a function to those numbers. In a linear equation, y=3x+2 will cross the horizontal axis at (-2/3, 0), and will cross the vertical axis at (0,2), creating a line that moves upward to the right as the values on the horizontal axis increase.

What does y in a graph represent?

The y axis represents the vertical co-ordinates whereas the x axis represents the horizontal co-ordinates.

Where is the independent variable placed on a line graph?

on the horizontal axis!

What does the horizontal axis of a line chart represent?

It depends on the information being plotted. It is often the independent variable.

What is the x-axis horizontal line?

It is a horizontal axis

What is the horizontal axis called?

The horizontal axis is also called the x-axis.