talk about your favourite food.
inimum 120 and maximum 180
'Acre' is a unit of area or coverage. 'Mile' is a unit of length or distance. 'Acre' and 'mile' measure different quantities; neither can be converted to the other. If you want to talk about 1 square mile ... a square that measures 1 mile on all sides ... that square covers 640 acres.
Client are always happy when a business goes the extra mile and does something special for them, they usually talk to others about the extra services provided and this could lead to promote your organization.
If a phone company charges $0.30 for the first minute and $0.25 for each additional minute for a long-distance call, how long did you talk if the phone call cost $8.05?
Of course you can :)
That Somone is talking Either very fast, or alot.
It means talk a lot - a whole lot!
This idiom means that it's easy to talk, but talk is not action.
This is not an idiom I have ever heard. Perhaps you mean water cooler talk, which means chat that might occur between workers at the water cooler or anywhere else.
"To be cheeky" IS an idiom. It means to sass or talk back.
It means to talk a lot without saying anything of value.
It means to get to business. Stop beating around the bush and do what needs to be done.
to misunderstand
To talk about work while you are in a recreational setting.
The most common way to finish the phrase of "Be the talk.." is to say "Be the talk of the town.".
Let's go chew the fat. It means to talk, to have a conversation. Usually over some deal or personal business.