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Q: What does the instruction mean to cut the hexagon on all lines of symmetry?
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How many sematry lines does a hexagon have?

Okay, for one, it's spelled symmetry. In some cases, a Hexagon may have none, but assuming you mean a regular Hexagon, it would have six lines of symmetry. Hope I help. Sorry for criticizing your spelling, kind of a pet peeve >.< (P.S. You better not use this for homework!)

How many lines of symmetry does x have?

If you mean the letter x, it has four lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry a heart has?

i think u mean: how many lines of symmetry DOES a heart HAVE and its has 1

What does it mean if a shape has 2 lines of symmetry what doe s this mean?

It means it has 2 lines of 'mirror images'

What is a triangle that has no lines of symmetry?

A triangle having each of its three sides of different lengths is a scalene triangle. That would also mean there are no lines of symmetry.

What triangle has to lines of symmetry?

If you mean which triangle has at least two lines of symmetry, I can answer your question: an equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry-- one passing through the center of each side and through the opposite point, perpendicular to the side.

How many lines of symmetry does a heptacagon?

There is no such shape. Please check spelling and resubmit. ______________________________________________ Did you mean a shape with 7 sides? if you did the shape you are looking for is a: 'Heptagon'. And has 7 lines of symmetry.

What is Parrellel Symmetry?

parallel is spelled this way and it mean that the lines never intersect

Is it posibile to draw a petagon with no lines of symmetry?

Assuming that you mean pentagon, and not petagon, the answer is yes.

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What are the four lines of symmetry?

There are 4 types of symmetry, reflection, transition, glide reflection, and rotation. They all basically mean the same thing, except they are figured out differently.

How many sides does an hexagon have?

hexagon you mean? if you mean hexagon then 6