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Squared, multiplied by itself

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Q: What does the little two mean behind a number?
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If you mean this little five 45 it means four taken to the fifth power. If it was two instad of five it would mean the number squared, if three the number cubed.

How do you bleed the brakes on a 306?

If you mean the jack, it's usually found in the boot. If you mean the jack points, they're in front of the rear wheel and behind the front wheel, visible because they have two little lugs. Have a look at , they have a number of articles on this including videos and photos.

What does what do you do mean?

In most cases, "What do you do?" is an inquiry into someone's profession, equivalent to "How do you make a living?" It can also be asking someone to choose a course of action. "Behind door number one is a man-eating tiger. Behind door number two is a vicious cobra. What do you do?"

What does 2 mean?

you mean what you mean

What does two gross mean?

If you mean two gross as a number - it is 288.

Is there a number two to little divas the book?


What is spooning your girlfriend mean?

Hugging her from behind in bed, like two spoons do

How many number two hits did the monkees have?

One. ("A Little Bit Me, a Little Bit You")

What does the little 2 in 4H2 mean?

The little 2 in 4H2 indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms bonded in a molecule of 4H2. This notation is used in chemistry to represent the number of atoms of each element in a compound or molecule.

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When you say two dozen you mean 24 When you say two moles how many do you mean?

2 Avogadro's Number. This is a very big number.

What does monpetit mean in french?

mon petit (two words) -- my little one, little man, little guy, etc.