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It stands for Maschinengewehr 42.

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Q: What does the mg stand for in the mg42?
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Related questions

Where was the mg42 invented?

The MG-42's country of origin was Nazi Germany.

What round did the MG-42 use?

The MG42 utilized 7.92mm Mauser rounds in drum belts of 50 or 250 rounds.

How much ammo does the mg-42 carry?

The MG42 Machine guncould either held a 50 or a 250 round belt.

What does MG stand for in computer terms?

MG stand for Mega Bytes.GB stand for Giga BytesB stand for bytes

What does mg stand for in measurements?

Mg = milligrams.

What does MG stand for on MG cars?

Morris Garages

What does mg stand for in mg cars?

Morris Garage.

How heavy is the mg42?

The MG42 Machine Gun weighed 11.57 kg (25.51 lb).

What does MG stand for originally on MG cars?

Morris Garages

Does mg-42 has to be reload?

Yes, all weapons need to be reloaded at some point - though machine guns (like the MG42) usually do carry far more ammunition.

What is the GTAIV MG42 cheat?

There is no cheat for the MG-42 in GTA IV. I assume you saw a youtube video showing one of them in GTA IV. What you saw was a new weapon model modded into the game. This can only be done on the PC version of GTA IV. If you want to know more, just google: "GTA IV MG42"

What does the mg stand for in 24 mg cholesterol?

24milligram/100ml of blood