Cale means a beautiful,pretty,cool,and all the other nice words in th means a peaceful yet active mind. Cale is usually a middle-name
what does this name 'Atiq' mean? what does this name 'Atiq' mean?
it mean awesome
It is a spanish name and it mean "famous warrior"
Ariona mean "most holy"Is it Muslim name?
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Paula Cale's birth name is Paula Korologos.
Cale Yarborough's birth name is Yarborough, William Caleb.
the girls is called cale crane and she is played by Dakota fanning
Cale or red cabbage.
Well, think of a word that rhymes with "Hunt" but can't be said on television. Here's a a hint: it starts with a "c". Well Its Pretty Simple Init Btw Its "Chas Cale" Not Shas Cale.
Cale is increasing in popularity. In the United States it was ranked 668 in 2009, up from 902 ten years earlier in 1999.
Jarett Cale is 6'.
Cale McConnell is 6'.
Cal, Vin, Vinnie, Cale, Cally, Calvy
Cale Schultz is 6' 4".
Eden Cale was born in 1985.
Cale Yarbrough was born in 1986.