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Q: What does the narrator mean when he says that the distribution of the various kinds of spirit of our tribe had been from the beginning capricious and vagrant?
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What is one who roams called?

A Wanderer. Also A tramp, vagrant, hobo .

What rhymes with abundance?

redundant absent affront agent ailment ancient appellant ardent arrant bailment basement blatant blunt brilliant brunt bunt buoyant casement claimant clement client cogent confront constant coolant crescent currant current dachshund decent didn't distant docent doesn't dormant easement enfant entrant errant extant fervent figment flagrant flippant fluent foment fondant forefront fragment fragrant frequent front gallant garment giant grievant grunt hadn't hasn't hatchment haven't hunt hydrant infant instant judgment judgment lambent latent lodgement lodgment lucent manhunt merchant migrant moment mordant movement mustn't mutant nascent needn't oddment ointment pageant parchment parent passant patent patient pavement payment peasant peccant pedant penchant pendant pennant pertinent pheasant pigment piquant placement plangent pleasant pliant poignant potent preachment pregnant present prudent puissant pungent punt quadrant quotient raiment rampant reagent recent regent regnant remnant restaurant reverent rodent runt salient savant scient seafront sealant secant segment sentient sequent sergeant serjeant serpent servant sextant shipment shirtfront shouldn't shunt silent solvent spearmint stagnant statement storefront strewment strident stringent student stunt suint talent tangent tenant torrent transient treatment trenchant truant tyrant urgent vacant vagrant valiant varmint verdant vestment vibrant warrant weighment worsement wouldn't

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Is there an insect beginning with v?

Velvet ant and vagrant spider are insects. They begin with the letter v.

When was The Vagrant created?

The Vagrant was created in 2002.

What is vagrant?

A vagrant is a person who is wandering around and unemployed.

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When was Vagrant Records created?

Vagrant Records was created in 1996.

When was Vagrant Darter created?

Vagrant Darter was created in 1758.

When was Vagrant Bus created?

Vagrant Bus was created in 1988.

What is the difference between vagrant and sessile?

Vagrant moves, Sessile doesn't

What is a sentence with the word vagrant?

The police arrested the vagrant for loitering in the park.

How can you use vagrant in a sentence?

I used Vagrant to set up a virtual development environment for my project.

When was Vagrant Story created?

Vagrant Story was created on 2000-02-10.

How do you use vagrant in a sentence?

During the Great Depression, it was not uncommon someone to lose everything and become a vagrant. Every morning, the commuters see the same vagrant sleeping on the roadside. Some hobos, or tramps, embrace the vagrant, unfettered lifestyle.