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The signs indicate the degree of ionisation resulting fro the loss or gain of an electron.

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Q: What does the negative and positive signs on a compound mean?
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How do you divide negative fraction with the same denominator?

Do you mean with a denominator that is also negative? If you do, then it would be just like dividing positive numbers, the answer would be positive. If you divide two numbers and they have different signs, then the answer will be negative. However the task of dividing is the same no matter what the signs are. So... If they are the same sign ---> Positive If they are opposite signs ---> Negative

Why do 2 minus signs make a plus sign?

The - sign means negative so -- would mean negative negative and 2 negatives make a positive. hope this makes sense

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You mean those skin tests? If you do, then a negative reaction is when there are no signs of any inflammation or redness around the injection site.

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its negative! negative reply, answer that is not positive

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What does it mean to be a polar compound?

A polar compound is a molecule in which there is an uneven distribution of electron density, resulting in a partial positive and partial negative charge within the molecule. This charge separation leads to the molecule having a positive and negative end, making it interact with other polar molecules or ions, such as water.

Can the sample mean in statistics be either positive or negative?

It can have either a negative or positive trend

What is a negative mean?

IN statistics yes there is a negative mean. Mean is the average of multiple numbers. Negative is opposite of positive.

A negative plus a positive equels?

A negative or a positive! It depends on the question.EXAMPLES-7 + 3 = -4 ( a negative answer)-7 + 8 = 1 (a positive answer)IF you mean a negative times a positive, the answer is negative:-3 x 5 = -15

What is the different between positive and negative decibel?

Negative decibels mean damping (loss) and positive decibels mean amplification (gain).

What do signs in shape of diamonds mean?

I'm pretty positive Diamond shapes signs are warning signs.

What does positive and negative effects mean?

A positive effect is one that is favorable; a negative effect is one that is unfavorable.