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Q: What does the number 1 2 mean in intercropping?
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-If you mean what can .2 be divided by to get a whole number, then .1 works (.2/.1 = 2) -If you mean what can be divided by .2 to get a whole number, then 1 works (1/.2 = 5)

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If you just mean what whole number comes after 1 the answer is 2. But if you mean what number comes after 1 I think it's 1.1

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1 plus 1 does not mean anything it equals 2.?

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A number that is not a fraction. Like 1, 2, 3, and not 1/2, or 3/4.

In mathematics What number comes before 1 2?

If you mean integers of 1 and 2 then it is 0

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If you mean 1 and 1/2 then it is between 1 and 2

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If you meant 123, the mean of one number is itself. If you meant 1,2 and 3, you add the numbers and divide by the number of numbers, so (1+2+3)/(1+1+1) = 6/3 = 2

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Say, find the reciprocal of 2 = 1/2 Reciprocal of 1/2 = 2

A number not divisible by 2?

If you mean in terms of getting a whole answer as the answer then any even number, 1, or 0. If you mean no answer, then 0.

What does it mean when it asks for a number 2 can of tomatoes?

Number 2 cans are typically used in restaurants, from wholesale distributors. A number 2 can is approximately 1/2 gallon

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If you mean: 10/4 then it is 2 and a 1/2

What is severn twos as a mixed number?

If you mean: 7/2 then it is 3 and a 1/2