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Q: What does the number 232 mean when you buy a fertilizer?
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How do you get fertilizer in Doodle God?

you go fishing! the fish your sim catches can be used as fertilizer, or you can go to the store and buy fish to use as fertilizer, actually you use just about anything you buy from the store as fertilizer, but that doesn't mean you should try to fertilize your plants with cheese or something.

Buy Fertilizer?

form_title= Buy Fertilizer form_header= Fertilize your lawn for an affordable price! What is the square footage of your backyard?*= _[50] What type of fertilizer do you need to buy?*= _[50] Do you want to use organic fertilizer?*= () Yes () No

Fertilizer Coupons?

form_title= Fertilizer Coupons form_header= Save money and keep your garden growing with fertilizer coupons! What are your specific fertilizer needs?*= _ [50] What type of fertilizer do you normally use?*= _ [50] Where do you normally buy your fertilizer?*= _ [50]

What mineral is used to make fertilizer?

Phosphate rock is the primary mineral used to make phosphate fertilizer, which is an essential nutrient for plant growth. This mineral is rich in phosphorus, a key element for plant development and productivity.

You need to buy fertilizer for a flower bed with a diameter of 13 feet If one bag will fertilizer 10 square feet how may bags do you need to buy?

You would need to buy 4 bags.

Where is fertilizer on Build-a-Bearville?

You can buy it from the Lumbear yard in BABV.

Can you still buy ammonium nitrate fertilizer?

i think so

What kind of acidic fertilizer should you buy for hosta plants?

Hostas need 13-13-13 slow acting fertilizer.

Can you mix grass seed with fertilizer?

I do it all the time. You can actually buy fertilizer, grass seed and mulch mix all in one bag.

Why do they mention that Pokemon crap when you buy fertilizer in diamond?

It's pretty normal to use crap as fertilizer. but in Pokemon its just because it is funny and because they can.

Where do you find fertilizer in Pokemon soul silver?

You can buy it from Goldenrod's Flower Shop.

Which is of American farmers in the 1880s?

They had to borrow money to buy seed, fertilizer, and equipment.