318 is approximate to:0 to the nearest thousand300 to the nearest hundred320 to the nearest ten
Rounded to the nearest ten it is 320 Rounded to the nearest hundred it is 300
It's already there.
318 is a number
318 is approximate to:0 to the nearest thousand300 to the nearest hundred320 to the nearest ten
318 to the nearest tens place is 320
Rounded to the nearest ten it is 320 Rounded to the nearest hundred it is 300
To the nearest ten, 320 To the nearest tenth, 318
It's already there.
318 rounds down to 300.
318 is a number
#1 is the first plug nearest the radiator on the drivers side.
By leaving it alone because the whole number of 318 is already an integer
318 is the mode, as it occurs more than any other number in the list.