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This is a telephone number, variously reported as a no answer, a source of harassing calls, a source of robot calls, and a source of the mildly salacious lyrics to an interlude by Tech N9ne titled "The Sexorcist". The area code is from Chicago; the phone network won't even accept the number and place the call.

This number also represents the former group NNUTTHOWZE: Used in songs by rap artist Tech N9ne: The number comes from the numbers on a telephone spelling out NNUTTHOWZE


'NnuttHowze' was the name of the group, Aaron D. "Tech N9ne" Yates, was with before he went solo and became just 'Tech N9ne'. The numbers have been used in many of Tech's songs:

* 'Earregular' from the album "E.B.A.H"

* 'The Sexorcist' from the album "Killer"

* 'Be Warned' from the album "Celsius"

* 'Riot Maker' from the album "Everready: The Religion"

* 'It's Alive' from the album "Anghelic: Reparation"

Are just a few of the songs which have references to the numbers

"Six six triple eight forty-six ninety-nine three" or 6688846993.

*All songs and albums are Copyright Protected by Aaron D. "Tech N9ne" Yates and Strange Music/MSC Music ©2003, 2006, 2008 & 2009

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