82 in roman numerals is written as LXXXII.
It is: (LXXXII)CCLXXXVIII which means 1,000*82+200+80+8 = 82,288
The median and mode are both 82. The mean is 84.6
82 in roman numerals is written as LXXXII.
It is already in Roman numerals and they represent 82
82 in Roman numerals would be... LXXXII
It is: (LXXXII)CCLXXXVIII which means 1,000*82+200+80+8 = 82,288
Roman Numeral for 82
82 is LXXXII.
LXXIXI is not a Roman numeral. the individual symbols are all Roman numerals but the order makes no sense. It is open to misinterpretation. LXX represents 70 and LXXI represents 71. However things get compicated because IX = 9 but XI = 11 so essentially you have a series of numerals which could represent 71 + 11 = 82, or it could represent 70 + 9 + 1 = 80. The symbol for 1 (I) would never preceed and follow an X inthe same numeral. The correct Roman numeral for 80 should be LXXX and 82 should be LXXXII neither of which are prone to any confusion.
There are many combinations. The easiest is 82, 82, 82, 82, 82. The 2nd easiest is 80, 81, 82, 83, 84. You can create any list using: (82 - 2d), (82 - d), 82, (82 + d), (82 + 2d). Just use any number for d.
Under today's modern rules governing the Roman numeral system the above Hindu-Arabic numerals converted into Roman numerals are XIX, XIV, XLIX, XCIX and XIX respectively and to add them up step by step is an almost impossible task. But there is strong evidence to support the fact that the Romans themselves would have wrote out these numerals as IXX, IXV, IL, IC and IXX and then added them up in the following logical manner:- IXX+IXV = XXXIII XXXIII+IL = LXXXII LXXXII+IC = CLXXXI CLXXXI+IXX = CLXXXXX = CC Hindu-Arabic conversion:- 19+14 = 33 33+49 = 82 82+99 = 181 181+19 = 200