Slightly less than 18 to 1 against.
In the range of 1 - 6,344 there are 6,344 numbers, and 999 of therm are less than 1,000.So, if the numbers are completely scrambled and shuffled and put into a bag, andyour selection is completely random with your eyes closed and one hand behind yourback, then the probability of picking a number less than 1,000 is999/6,344 = 15.747% (rounded)
Both issues are unethical. They can lead to wrong decisions, can cost the company money and also when the truth comes out people will lose your trust
yes because it has a depth of less than a milimeterMy version:Yes, the three dimensions for our purposes are length width and depth. Paper has a thickness (depth) even though it is seen by our eyes as two dimensional (length and width only)
Getting your ears pierced is no biggy, trust me when I first got mine pierced I didn't feel a thing. The lady used a gun piercing thing that pierced my ears fast. It is fast and easy you barley feel a thing : ) the faster it is the less pain you feel.
Yes -- they are located farther from the midline of the body than the nose.
Pointy ears are better at detecting sound at the distance than floppy ears. They are also less likely to get infected.
No. They are more sensitive
the checker is to check your hamsters mood. if the circle w ears and eyes is squatted down and has this symbol by it (*) and its eyes keep blinking, then it doesn't want to be touched and will likely bite. if it is less squadded, but still blinking, then it will tolerate being touched, and will not bite. but if it not squatting or blinking, then it will be glad to be touched.
Cats have less hair in front of their ears because it helps them to better hear sounds and communicate with other cats. The lack of hair allows their ears to move more freely and pick up on subtle noises in their environment.
Does yelling hurt your ears? Sound travels faster underwater but it also loses loudness. Whales ears are also less sensitive to human frequencies.
I don't believe in forcing your child to have pierced ears (that is piercing your babies ears before they are old enough to say no, mom, i don't want my ears pierced) but if you pierce them young then the less it will hurt them (the younger you are the less it will hurt). It would be better to wait because the piercing will change as your child grows and they may end up being uneven.
Cats have less hair above their eyes to help them see better and to prevent their vision from being obstructed.
Its better to pierce them when they're that young as they are unable to notice them or take out. Less chance of them choking.
well the answer is obvious. kid eyes are less developed and teen eyes are possibly fully developed. does this answer your question