It depends on the situation. In the UK - an rural roundabout is indicated by a white circle bordered by three arrows facing clockwise - on a blue background.
'Blue circle' could be a sentence but it is unlikely. A dolphin named BLUE could be asked to circle, thus a noun and verb. The more likely use of 'blue circle' is an adjective and noun. 'Look at the blue circle he drew on the page.'
it represent the color of the moon
AL-ANON And a mathmatical symbol
they are the buttons on a playstation controller
UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, DOWN, LEFT, SQUARE, SQUARE, RIGHT Weapon set 1 UP, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, LEFT, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, RIGHT Weapon set 2 UP, X, X, DOWN, LEFT, X, X, RIGHT Weapon set 3 L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Money Cheat ($250,000) L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 Full Armor (Blue Bar) L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1 Full Health (Red Bar) L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Raise Wanted Level L1, L1, TRIANGLE, R1, R1, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE Never Wanted CIRCLE, X, DOWN, CIRCLE, X, UP, L1, L1 Cars Drive on Water X, X, R1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE White Cars CIRCLE, CIRCLE, R1, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, L1, SQUARE, SQUARE Black Cars L1, UP, RIGHT, R1, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, DOWN, X Raise Media Attention TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, UP, L1, L1 Spawn Trash master L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE Random random Outfit L1, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, X Sunny Weather UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, R1 Clear Weather UP, DOWN, X, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Overcast Weather UP, DOWN, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Rainy Weather UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN, X, L1, R1 Foggy Weather L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE Spawn Rhino L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE, X Faster Clock L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, X, SQUARE Destroy All Cars L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, SQUARE Peds Riot L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, TRIANGLE Peds Attack You R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE Peds Have Weapons
Aol is the company who's logo you described.
A picture with two circles overlapping can represent concurrent powers. Picture a red circle and a blue circle overlapping; the purple section represents concurrent powers.
the blue caution triangle with an exclamation mark, next to the persons name means that there were messages that did not send and to get rid of the blue triangle you can either send the messages or delete them. the messages that did not send should have a red circle with an exclamation mark next to it.
Blue on a weather forecast typically indicates cooler temperatures or the possibility of precipitation, such as rain. It can also be used to represent areas with fog or mist.
It's triangle, star, circle, square, star.
The flag of the EU is a royal blue flag with 12 yellow stars in a centre circle, to represent perfection.
Some examples of the vowel triangle/Benedict triangle include the vowels [i] (as in "see"), [a] (as in "cat"), and [u] (as in "blue"). These three vowels represent the extremes in terms of tongue height and backness when articulating vowels.