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Q: What does the remainder means in math problem?
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The remainder in a math problem?

A remainder just means like the word says. It means the number that is remained after you divide a number. For example 30 divided by 4 would be: 7, and remainder 2

What does r stand for in math?

If you are working with a division problem r=remainder. e.g. If you divide 27 by 4 you get 6 r 1 which means 6 remainder 1. I hope I helped : D

What is the definition of to divide evenly?

In math it means when you divide two numbers, there is no remainder or there is a remainder of zero.

What is the largest possible remainder for a math problem with 8 as the divisor?

If you divide by 8, the remainder can be any number from 0 to 7.

What does at least mean in a math problem?

In a math problem, least means smallest.

What the sum mean in math terms?

sum means the answer of a math problem

What does justification mean in math terms?

Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.

What is unreasonable mean in math?

It means the same in math as it means else where--it means not reasonable. If you show mathematical steps that are not reasonable to solve a math problem or show a math proof, then your math is unreasonable.

What does leftover in math mean?

It means the remainder if any when numbers are divided as for example 49 divided by 6 = 8 with a remainder of 1 leftover

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What does the word increased in a math problem mean?

The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.

What does solution mean in math?

C ; solution means the answer to an addition problem in math .