The area code for Fort Portal, Uganda, is 0483, or +256 483 in international format.
162 = 256
The country code and area code of Fort Portal, Uganda is 256, (0)483.
One byte can represent 256 colours.
1.157920892 x 1077 (rounded)
There are 256 possible values (or characters) in 8 bits.
It is: 483/100
Room 483 is the same as Scream, but has a different name, to tie it in with the Zimmer 483 album. So yes they are English. Zimmer 483 = German Room 483 = English
The answer depends on the units used for 483: ounces, grams, pounds ... ?
483% of 33 is 159.39
483 + 8236 = 8,719