Roman numeral for 3000 is MMM
The Roman numeral MMM represents the number 3000
Roman Numeral for: 3000=MMM CM=900 Therefore: 3900=MMMCM
Roman numeral for 3000 is MMM
The Roman numeral MMM represents the number 3000
3,000 = MMM
Roman Numeral for: 3000=MMM CM=900 Therefore: 3900=MMMCM
Mmm = 3000dccc = 800xl = 40v = 5MMMDCCCXLV = 3845
Mmm= 3000 l= 50 iv= 4 mmmliv=3054
It is: 5 = V as a Roman numeral
This is not a valid roman numeral!
LXXVI is the Roman numeral for 76.
The Roman numeral of DXIII is equivalent to 513