It's basically rude and means bite my a**. The sarcastic expression 'bite me' means the same as get bent, get lost. Politely you could say, "Please leave me alone."
The definition of the expression "smarty pants" originates from the early 40's. The phrase means to be a sarcastic way of saying "know it all." It is also a decedent of the 1860's phrase, "smart aleck."
Replace each variable in the expression by its value and then find the value of the expression.
A Numerical Expression is an expression only using numbers.
The phrase "bite me" is a sarcastic or rude expression used to show annoyance, defiance, or indifference towards someone or something. It is considered impolite and should be used carefully, as it can offend or provoke others.
It depends on what you actually did. It can be a sarcastic expression.
The phrase "tongue in teeth" typically does not have a common or widely recognized meaning. It may be a unique or metaphorical expression used by an individual.
"Bite me" is a vulgar dismissal of whatever problem another might have with us. One of many. Unacceptable in polite speech.
"Sarcastic" in Tagalog can be translated as "pambaligtad," "pambabaligtad," or "mapanuya."
The expression "smooth move" refers to the sensation you get after ingesting some sort of laxative, hence, the phrase "smooth move, exlax."This is often said in a sarcastic way to mean that you did something that was the opposite of smooth!
A sarcastic expression of congratulations: Give the guy a Dewey button!
walk sassy and be mean not to mean and be sarcastic
A quick and sarcastic answer to a comment.
"Child please" is a colloquial expression used to dismiss or reject someone's statement or request in a playful or sarcastic way. It implies disbelief or dissatisfaction with what the other person is saying or doing.