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Q: What does the slope of a trend line represent?
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What is the slope of a trend line?

It is the rise/run for the line.

When finding the slope of the trend line what does the slope mean about the data of the scatterplot?

The slope of the trend line is the rate of change of the data. It is the ratio of the change of the dependent variable to the rate of change of the independent variable. Slope represents the value of the correlation.

What does trend mean you math terms?

A trend is a math term. It is on a line graph. It is a slope between two variables.

What is a slope'?

A smooth line drawn between points on a graph to reflect the general trend.

What does the slope of a line at any given point represent?

== ==

What is the trend of a graph?

The trend of a graph is the slope of any line on the graph that indicated a positive or growth factor and/or a negative or decaying factor. If the slope goes negative, the graph's line will go down thus indicating decay. If the slope becomes positive, the graph's line will go up thus indicating growth.

What does a trend mean on a line graph?

It is a description of the Slope of the line with respect to the two variables you are plotting. In Statistics, you may be plotting AGE versus Car Mileage and a line drawn through the data is the Trend Line.

If solving for the slope of the best fit line it is a good choice to choose the points closest to the line or points on the line. True False?

False. When solving for the slope of the best fit line, you should consider all data points in your dataset to find the line that best fits the overall trend. Choosing points closest to the line or on the line may bias your results and not accurately represent the relationship between the variables.

What is a trend on a graph?

It is the description of a slope of a line which connects from many points you mark to show a way that your graph data may increase or decrease. If it is decreasing, you have a downwards trend. If it is increasing, you have an upwards trend.

In position vs. time graph what variable does slope represent?

The slope of a line on a position vs. time graph would represent the a velocity of the object being described.

What is the line slope of 06 30?

The line slope refers to the steepness of a line. Without any additional information, it is not possible to determine the line slope of "06 30" as it does not appear to represent a line equation or data points.

What does the slope of a trend line tell you about the relationship between two quantities?

If the slope of the trend line between variables X and Y is m, then an increase in value of 1 unit in X is associated with an increase of m units in the value of Y. The relationship is one of association, not of cause-and-effect.