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Q: What does the star symbol stand for in math?
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In Math what does the upside down T mean or stand for?

The Upside down T symbol indicates perpendicular lines.

What does the necklace that Ziva wears on NCIS stand for?

It is the Star (Shield) of David; the major symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism.

What does the star in the acadian flag stand for?

its for virgin mary. The yellow star, the Stella Maris, is the symbol of Mary, Acadian national symbol and patron of the mariners. It is set on the blue stripe, because blue is the colour of Mary. The yellow colour of the star represents the Papacy.

What does the symbol of a star stand for on maps?

A star symbol on a map typically represents a point of interest or significance, such as a landmark, capital city, or tourist attraction. It is commonly used to help users easily identify important locations on a map.

Symbol for the math term area?

A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.

What is the math symbol for corresponding sides?

The symbol is §

What is adonis symbol?

adonis symbol is a shooting star. adonis symbol is a shooting star.

What do the crescent and star stand for in the symbol of Islam?

It has no relation religiously with Islam. It may be used politically on flags but has no relation with the religion of Islam.

What is the math symbol for similarity?

Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.