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It is a statistical procedure for summarising discrete data.

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Q: What does the stem and leaves mean in math?
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The definition for the word math stem?

math stem

What does double stem plot mean in math?

It is the result of drawing stem-and-leaf plots for two variables, back-to-back, such that they share the same stem.

What does the word transpiration mean in ecology?

The evaporation of water from a plant's leaves, stem or flowers.

What does a stem do for a tree?

A stem holds the leaves

Where does water go to?

a-roots b-stem d-stem and leaves c-leaves

Why does the pine tree survive with its leaves?

Because they live with a stem witch the stem is conected to the leaves.

How do you find the mean of a stem and leaf plot in math?

You cannot. You need to use the original set of values.

How many leaves on a petunia?

Petunia leaves are sessile which means they grow without a leaf stem attached to the main stem. The leaves are opposite.

Do leaves carry nutrients?

The answer to your question is no. But if you mean do leaves have nutrients or are leaves nutrional then yes. They do but they are the best way to get nutrients. It would be smarter to eat something else. Along the lines of nutrients and leaves though leaves make their own nutrients throught the process of photosynthesis.

What system consist of stem leaves and flowers?

Above ground system in plants consists of stem, leaves and flowers.

Is a stem part of the shoot system?

The stem is the main axis of the plant to which flowers, leaves, and fruits are attached. A "shoot" is a very general term, not very scientifically accurate, but is generally used to mean an area of new growth which would consist of stem, leaves and/or flowers (a shoot from a bulb would contain all parts except for the root, a shoot from a tree would have a stem and leaves at the minimum).