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It only has to do with the surface area in contact with the support force (the side or surface that is in contact with the ground, table, etc.). If you have two cans, each with 3 solid bricks on top of them. One can has a diameter of 3 cm, while the other has a diameter of 5 cm. Which one has greater pressure? The can with a diameter of 3 cm. This is because there is less surface area in contact with the support force, so there is less area to distribute the force. Pressure is inversely related to area. Remember that pressure is measured in Pascals. Pressure is equal to Force over Area or p=F/A.

Assuming that both cans have the same weight with the bricks on top. Lets assume each weighs 5 kilograms. So the pressure for the 5 cm can would be 5 kg (weight) * 9.8 (Gravity force) / 5 cm * pi (Area) or about 3.12 Pascals. Our 3 cm can would be 5 kg * 9.8 / 3 cm * pi or about 5.20 Pascals.

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Q: What does the surface area of an object have to do with the amount of pressure it can exert?
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