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# means number.

  • Ex. ##+#(#)^# or ##

! means to multiply numbers.

  • Ex. 5! = 5*4*3*2*1. You usually don't need to include the one as it doesn't change the product if you end it with two. 5!=120. #! means the you will have to do that form of multiplying to a number (if someone knows what that is called, please edit this to say is because I forgot).

+ means add/plus/addition and/or positive/pos.

  • Ex. 5+3. +3.

- means subtract/minus/subtraction and/or negative/neg.

  • Ex. 5-3. -3.

x in arithmetic means multiply/times/multiplication. ∙ means times, too.

  • Ex. 5x3. 5∙3

In algebra, it's a variable. A variable is a letter that is used to replace an unknown value. Any letter may be a variable.

  • Ex.3x+5=20

* means multiply in algebra if needed. x cannot mean multiply in algebra as it means variable.

  • Ex. 5*3

#(#) means multiply.

  • Ex. 3(5)=15. 3x(5+3)=15x+9x=24x. 3(5x+3)=15x+9. 3(5+3x)=15+9x or 9x+15. 3(5x+3x)=15x+9x=24x.

#/# and ÷ means divide.

  • Ex. 6/3=2. 6÷3=2

#/# can also be a fraction, as well as can #/#. Really, divide is just use of simplifying fractions.

  • Ex. 6/3 simplified is 2. 6/2 is simplified to 2. 2/6 is simplified to 1/3 or 1/3. 2/6 is simplified to 1/3 or 1/3.

Parethisis () can be used as multiplication as shown in #(#) or to show that a number is negagitive.

  • (-2)+6. 6+(-2). Also, if u enter -2^2 or -22, it'll come out as -4 when the real answer is 4 because a square may only be positive. To find the real answer, you should always remember to enter (-2)^2 or (-2)2. It will be 4.

< means "less than" and is read as "is less than."

  • Ex. 5<6 5 is less than 6.

= means "equal" and is read as "is equal to" in an equality and is read as "equals" in an equation.

  • Ex. 5=10/2. 5 is equal to 10 over 2. 5=5. 10/2=5. 10 over 2 equals 5.

> means "greater than" and is read as "is greater than"

  • Ex. 5>2. 5 is greater than 2.

± means "positive or negative." It is used when it is unknown whether the number is positive or negative or when the answer is both positive and negative.

  • ±6 Positive or negitve 6.
  • √9=±3

|#| means absolute value and is always positive.

  • |-3|=3. |3|=3. |7-8|=|-1|=1

means parallel and is in geometrey.

  • XCTY. XC is parallel to TY.

√ means square root.

≈ means congruent.

≠ means "is not equal to"

≥ means "is greater than or equal to"

≤ means "is less than or equal to"

>< means "is greater than or less than" and is the same as "is not equal to"

┴ means "is perpendicualr to"

  • Ex. DC┴CG

∞ means infinity. Infinity is not technecly a number, rather than a representation of eternity or never ending.

And there's also pi, but it wouldn't let me copy it to here. Pi is to be thought of as 3.14 of 22/7 without a calulator, but most want you to use the pi button on the calculator when needed. Pi was discovered as the circumfrince of a circle with a diameter of one.

^ means exponent. #^#. An exponent may also be a number next to a bigger number in superscript. ##. It means to multiply the base number # by its self as many times as the second number #. There is always un understood #1 as an exponent. #0 = 1. #∞=∞. #^∞=∞

22=4. 53=125 2^2=4. 5^3=125. 100=1. 50=1. 10^0=1. 5^0=1.

PEMDAS. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. It's the order of opperation. Parentheses(), Exponent ^, Multiply *, Division /, Addition +, Subtration -. The order of opperation is PE M/D A/S. This means that you always do parenthisis first. Then, exponent. Then, read from left to right. If the first multiply is before the first division, do all multiplication. After you finish all multiplication, do division. However, if the first division is before the first multiplication, do mutiplication first. Same goes to Addition/Subtration. Please note that parenthesis are sometimes used for multiplication.

  • 3(5+6)2-4+8/2(2)
  • 3(11)2-4+8/2(2)
  • 3(121)-4+8/2(2)
  • 363-4+8/4
  • 363-4+2
  • 359+2
  • 361
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