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Depends on what symbol you are referring to.

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Q: What does the symbol stand for in a phone number?
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There is no symbol above the number 0 on my phone keyboards. So clearly, it is not a standard.

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Uranium with the symbol U and atomic number 92.

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Bohrium, atomic number 107

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606 is the area code for ashland, Kentucky phone numbers.and people in 606 are from ashland.

What does the symbol you stand for on the periodic table?

If you mean 'U' that is Uranium. It has atomic number 92.

What does the chemical symbol Mn stand for?

Manganese is a chemical Chemical_element, designated by the symbol Mn. It has the atomic number 25.(sorry for the previous persons answer)

What does Bo stand for on the table of elements?

Bo does not stand for anything on the periodic table of elements. It is the symbol for boron, which is a chemical element with the atomic number 5.

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Evanescence has never stated what their symbol stand for.

What does the symbol Mn stand for on the periodic table?

Manganese, element atom number 25 in the PT.