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Q: What does the term B.C. mean?
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Why doesn't BC mean billion centuries?

As a formal acronym, it just doesn't. BC is commonly used as meaning Before Christ. BC could of course stand for billion centuries, but there is no common usage of that term.

What does BCE in biblical term mean?

Before Common Era, politically correct version of BC-before Christ

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Paleolithic has come from greek word 'palilo' means 'old' and 'litic' means 'stone'. Paleolithic age starts from around 500,000 BC to 10,000 BC

What does the term Draconian mean?

Draco (lawgiver) (from Classical Greek: Δράκων; 7th century BC), the first lawgiver of ancient Athens, from whom the term draconian is derived

Is a roman coin that says 50BC on it valuable?

No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.No, it's probably a fake. The Romans did not date their coins. Also, they would never use the term BC unless it was an abbreviation for something. Remember BC means "before Christ", which is a historically made up term. In 50 BC there was no idea of Christianity as Jesus had not been born.

What does the term bce mean referred to in the Bible?

BCE means 'before the common era' and used to be referred to as BC, simply meaning 'before Christ.'

What is another term for BC?

Another term for BC is Before Christ. It denotes the time period before the birth of Jesus Christ.

What does BC mean after the number for a year?

BC stands for Before Christ.

What does BC mean when talking about dates?

BC, is an abbreviation of "Before Christ."

What does 15 BC mean?

It is a year and bc means before Christ

What does bc mean on a bank statement?

bc in bank statment means

What is before 1bc?

If you mean bc as in Before Christ then it is 2 bc followed by 3 bc and so on.