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it means sharing common border (in geographical terms)

By fiama Pschaidt

Regarding finance, it means "uninterrupted" as in "contiguous days on the market"

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Q: What does the term contiguous mean?
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If a state is outside the US what does it mean?

It means it is not contiguous. Hawaii and Alaska are not contiguous states.

What term is used to describe items that are adjacent to another?

Beside, contiguous, adjoining.

What two states are not apart of the contiguous states?

Contiguous means that their borders are touching the continental US. Alaska and Hawaii do not touch the mainland.

What is Difference between contiguous set of files and a noncontiguous set of files?

Contiguous: Immediately adjacent. For example, contiguous sectors on a disk are sectors that come one after the other. Frequently, a file stored on disk can become fragmented, which means that it is stored on non-contiguous sectors. taken from So one could assume that the difference is that contiguous files are files that are stored immediately adjacent from one another (together) and non-contiguous files are not stored adjacently hence are separated or scattered. Hope this was of some help.

What is a sentence using contiguous?

"is my disease contiguous

What is the term used to describe Hawaii not being connected to the continent?

Hawaii is not contiguous or better yet, Hawaii is a Pacific Island State.

How can you use contiguous in a sentence?

Four parcels of land have contiguous borders

What ower 48 states mean?

Assuming you mean Lower and not Ower, it refers to the 48 contiguous continental states. Alaska and Hawaii not part of the 48.

Is rock and roll contiguous or non-contiguous?

Contiguous because everyone wanted to play it see it etc it spread all across usa and the world

Difference between continuous and contiguous?

contiguous is "separated in space" and continuous is "separated in time"

What are the two ranges of Excel?

You may be referring to a contiguous range and a non-contiguous range.

Which of the fourty eight contiguous states has the largest land areas?

Texas has the largest land area of the 48 contiguous states. (Alaska and Hawaii are not contiguous!)