The term "isolationism" is a word: it is not capable of doing anything!
It is term.
Term-to-term is -3
What is the next term 1.5...2.75.....4.... and what did you do to get that term?
What another term for the term in 2 down in mathematical
recursive rule: term(n+1) = term(n) + (n) also, n starts at 0 and term(1)=3 term(1) = 3 ; (n=0) term(2) = term(1) + (1) = 4 term(3) = term(2) + (2) = 6 term(4) = term(3) + (3) = 9 term(5) = term(4) + (4) = 13 . . .
Isolationism comes to mind. As does "neutrality."
Isolationism grew out of xenophobia.
America's ealry foreign policy tended toward isolationism.
Isolationism - album - was created in 1994.
isolationism started in world war 2
George Washington promoted isolationism from foreign affairs in his Farewell Adress.
Isolationism grew out of xenophobia.