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In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the least common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. It simplifies adding, subtracting, and comparing fractions.

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Q: What does the term least common denominator mean?
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Is the proper term lowest common denominator or least common denominator?


How are least common multiples and least common denominator realeted?

The same process is used to find both. The only difference is the function of the numbers. When we're talking about fractions, we use the term least common denominator.

Why do you clear fractions in a linear equation?

Multiply every term in the equation by a common denominator of all the fractions. The least common denominator (if different) will result in smaller numbers that you then have to work with but it is not essential that you use it.

What does the term 'LCM' mean in math?

LCM is an abbreviation for "least common multiple."

What is the lcd of 1 3 8 15?

I'm not sure if you got the right abbreviation of that term. LCD = Least Common Denominator = 1 GCD = Greatest Common Denominator = 17 LCM = Least Common Multiple = 34

How to you lowest term a fraction?

Divide the numerator and the denominator by their highest common factor.

Adding dissimilar fractions and whole numbers?

1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.

What is the term used to mean belonging to two or more numbers?

One word would be "common" as in "greatest common factor" or "least common multiple".

What is the lowest common denominator for 9 tenths?

9/10 is already in its lowest term.

What does reduce to the lowest term mean?

It means: Divide numerator and denominator by the same number as many times as you can until they no longer have any common factor except '1'.

What is the term for a fraction when the denominator and numerator do not have any more factors in common?

It is a fraction in its reduced or simplest from.

How do you change higher term to lower term?

When reducing fractions to their lowest terms divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor