Basically, calling something a "necessary evil" is one's way of rationalizing the act of doing something unacceptable/evil by saying that it is necessary.
It could also mean something that is absolutely necessary to a country but in a sense it is evil.(truth be told, everything's evil in some sense except for god.)
The mathematical term for "mean" is "mean".The popular, or colloquial term for "mean" is "average".
If you mean "What is the adverb for necessary," the answer is necessarily. If not, you may want to rephrase your question.
No, the math term ratio doesn't mean multiply.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
television "a necessary evil
not necessarily--opinions differ.
A necessary item.
The duration of Necessary Evil - film - is 1.45 hours.
yes home work is a necessary evil but we should protest about it
Necessary Evil - film - was created on 2008-12-31.
the term sinister refers to singularly evil or productive of evil. So "in a sinister way" would be comparable to saying "in an evil way".
The Necessary Evil - 1925 was released on: USA: 17 May 1925
Necessary Evil - Salem album - was created on 2007-06-19.
Necessary Evil - Deborah Harry album - was created on 2007-09-15.
A term for a cunning or evil person could be "villain" or "scoundrel."