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Q: What does the term over representation mean?
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What does the term graph mean?

Graphical Representation. A drawing of the function

What does the term representation mean?

the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone

What does the term 'no taxation without representation' mean?

Before the American Revolution the colonists were being taxed for every commodity because Britain had to ship them over. The colonists became enraged because they had to pay these taxes but had no representation in their legislature.

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a representation of something that can not be seen

What is the graphic representation of a term?

The graphic representation of a term is known as visualization.

What does the term taxation without representation mean?

The British were taxing the Americans without them OKing it so taxation means taxing and representation means agreement

What is the term for a visual representation of data?

The term for a visual representation of data is a data visualization.

What is the Proper Term for the ... symble?

Do you mean cymbal, the musical instrument? Or do you mean syllable, the divisions of words? Or do you mean symbol, the representation of one thing for another?

What is A graphic representation is a?

The graphic representation of a term is known as visualization.

What does no taxtion without representation mean?

it refers to when England was taxing the u.s. colonies from over the Atlantic ocean

What did rural over representation at the state level translate into?

Rural over representation at the state level translated into rural over-representation at the national level.

What does TTO shipping term mean?

It is presumed to mean, "Tanker Take Over." Though there is no such term.