630002 is already spelled in figures. If you mean in words, then ' Six hundred and thirty thousand and two'.
213000 has 3 significant figures. Expressed as six significant figures would be: 213000.
It has six significant figures.
All six are significant figures.
Six significant figures.
Six Figures was created in 1996.
630002 is already spelled in figures. If you mean in words, then ' Six hundred and thirty thousand and two'.
Six figures. This term usually relates to hundreds of thousands such as "100,000" or the amount of numbers to the LEFT of the decimal point.
213000 has 3 significant figures. Expressed as six significant figures would be: 213000.
There are six significant figures in the number 129042.
The medical term is hexadactyly, which means six fingers or toes. Having six fingers does not 'mean' anything.
600,000 is how to write six-hundred thousand in figures.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 26,006,062.
All six-sided two dimensional figures are hexagons.
Six significant figures.
Six significant figures.
It has six significant figures.