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Since G is very small - 6.673 * 10-11, or 0.00000000006673- we know that the gravitational force is very weak. It happens to be the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature, and it explains how a mass as big as the Earth (6*1024kg)only affects us with a force of around 700N.

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Q: What does the very small value of the gravitantional constant G tell us about the strength of gravitational forces?
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Forces which opposes gravitational forces?

the force which we are experiencing is against garavity.

Where is its gravitational potential energy minimum?

The answer depends on what "it" is and the overall context. The answer could be the centre of the earth where the earth's gravity has no effect, or the Lagrange point where the gravitational forces of the moon, earth and sun balance each other.

Is the total number of forces in the universe add or even?

It is impossible to tell. You can have two forces that are in equilibrium or three forces and, from outside the system, it may not be possible to tell which.However, on the basis that the unverse is expanding, though not at a constant rate, there must be at least one force that is not balanced.It is impossible to tell. You can have two forces that are in equilibrium or three forces and, from outside the system, it may not be possible to tell which.However, on the basis that the unverse is expanding, though not at a constant rate, there must be at least one force that is not balanced.It is impossible to tell. You can have two forces that are in equilibrium or three forces and, from outside the system, it may not be possible to tell which.However, on the basis that the unverse is expanding, though not at a constant rate, there must be at least one force that is not balanced.It is impossible to tell. You can have two forces that are in equilibrium or three forces and, from outside the system, it may not be possible to tell which.However, on the basis that the unverse is expanding, though not at a constant rate, there must be at least one force that is not balanced.

What is the magnitude of the gravitational field 2.00m from a 5.00kg point mass?

I'm a little rusty on my physics, but this question does not provide enough information to answer. The strength of a gravitational field (according to Newtonian physics, at least) is a function of two interacting masses and the distance between those two interacting masses. Newton's law of universal gravitation is: F = G * m1 * m2 / r^2 where: G is the gravitational constant m1 is the mass of the first point object m2 is the mass of the second point object r is the distance between the two point objects So presuming that the SECOND point object has the same mass as the first point object (5.00kg for both), then your answer will be: 6.674 * 10^-11 * 5 * 5 / 2^2 = 4.17 * 10 ^-10 Newtons. You will note that this shows us that gravity is an incredibly weak force - EASILY the weakest of the four fundamental forces in the universe.

Is gravitational field scalar or vector?

The gravitational force fields are both scalar and vector. The forces are the first derivative of the energy.The derivative is a Quaternion derivative X=[d/dr,Del].The total energy is W = -mGM/r + cP and there are five forces,F = XW= [d/dr,Del][-mGM/r, cP] = [vp/r -cDel.P, cdP/dr - Del mGM/r + cDelxP]The scalar forces are :vp/r centripetal scalar force-cDel.P= -cp/r cos(PR) centrifugal scalar forcethe vector forces are:cdP/dr = -cp/r R/r tangent forceDel -mGM/r = vp/r R/r gradient forcecDelxP = RxP cp/r sin(PR) Curl force.

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Difference between electric forces and gravitational forces is that electrical forces include?

In case of electric force there are both repulsive and attractive. But in case of gravitational force, only attractive force. Electrical force between electric charges. Gravitational force between masses. In electric force we use a constant known as permittivity of the medium. But in gravitational force a universal constant known as Gravitational constant is used. Electrical force is very much greater than gravitational force.

What is the value of gravitational constant G?


What does the very small value of the gravitational constant g tell us about the strength of gravitational forces?

Since G is very small - 6.673 * 10-11, or 0.00000000006673- we know that the gravitational force is very weak. It happens to be the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature, and it explains how a mass as big as the Earth (6*1024kg)only affects us with a force of around 700N.

What is the value of gravitational force between the things around us?

Gravitational force is a force of very low strength as compared to other forces as Electromagnetic force. the value of force can be determined by the universal law of gravitation which is: F = Gm1m2/R^2. We should know the amount of masses of both bodies and the distance b/w them to determine the gravitational force b/w them. this force is not constant, there is only a gravitational constant (G) we have which was calculated by lord cavndish through Torsion Balance.

Is mass and gravity releted?

Yes. Magnitude (strength) of the gravitational forces between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses.

What happens to the strength of gravity when mass is doubled?

When mass is doubled, gravitational attraction is doubled. There is a direct relationship.=========================Answer #2:Gravitational attraction always involves two objects, and the strength of thegravitational forces between them is proportional to the product of both masses.So . . .-- If one mass or the other is doubled, the forces are doubled.-- If both masses are doubled, the gravitational forces become 4 times as great.

What does the strength of gravity depend on?

The strength of gravity depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull. Similarly, the closer two objects are to each other, the stronger the gravitational force between them.

Coulomb's law and Newton's law of universal gravitation appear to be similar In what ways are the electrical and gravitational forces similar?

The electrical and gravitational forces are similar in that they both follow an inverse square law, meaning the strength of the force decreases with the square of the distance between the two interacting objects. Both forces are attractive, with opposite charges attracting in the case of electrical forces and masses attracting in the case of gravitational forces.

What shapes do non-contact forces create?

Non-contact forces, like electrostatic, magnetic, and gravitational forces, can create interactions between objects without physical contact. These forces can create various shapes, such as magnetic field lines around a magnet or the gravitational force field around a planet. The direction and strength of these forces determine the specific shapes they create.

When was Gravitational Forces created?

Gravitational Forces was created on 2001-08-07.

What is the difference between electeical forces and gravitational forces?

Electrical forces are interactions between charged particles, where like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Gravitational forces are interactions between masses, where any two masses attract each other. The strength of electrical forces is typically much stronger than gravitational forces, especially for interactions involving charged particles.

When an object is falling at a constant speed the two forces that must be equal in size but opposite in?

When an object is falling at a constant speed, the two forces that must be equal in size but opposite in direction are the gravitational force pulling the object downward and the air resistance force pushing upward. At this point, the forces are balanced, resulting in a constant speed descent known as terminal velocity.