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On earth it is responsible for air pressure. There are about 15 pounds of air above every square inch of the earth's surface. Or in other words, the volume of a column of air on Earth about a hundred miles high and a square inch in area weighs 15 pounds.

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Q: What does the weight of air cause?
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What is the cause of air pressure?

it is the weight of the air that masses over you.

Air conditioning on can cause weight gain?

no it can make you gain weight!

How does pressure cause air to move?

Pressure cause air to move because all the weight pushes up or down and causes it to go the opposite direction.

Does swallowing air make you gain weight over time?

Swallowing air doesn't make you gain weight, but it does cause bloating. Bloating can make you look like you have gained a little bit of weight, until it stops.

What is the best cause of atmospheric pressure?

Gravity. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of a column of air. Of course, the temperature of that air changes it's density and therefore it's weight (i.e. pressure)

How does gravity cause air pressure?

Gravity causes air pressure by pulling air molecules towards the Earth's surface. The weight of the air above creates pressure on the air below it. The higher you go, the lesser the air pressure due to less weight above pushing down.

Air pressure is affected by temperature.?

Yes, air pressure is affected by temperature.When the temperature is higher the air pressure lowers and the weight of the air is lower. When air is warmer the molecules sperate and there are less molecules that can cause pressure.

On a sensitive balance weigh an empty flat thin plastic bag Then weigh the bag filled with air Will the readings differ Why?

The readings will differ because the weight of the air inside the bag is being added to the weight of the bag itself. This additional weight from the air will cause the total weight of the bag filled with air to be greater than the weight of the empty bag.

A person feeling weight of air feels?

The weight of air is known as atmospheric pressure. A person may not physically feel the weight of air, but changes in atmospheric pressure can sometimes be felt in the ears or head, especially during changes in altitude like going up a mountain. This can cause discomfort or even pain in some individuals.

Does air have weight?

Anything with mass has weight; air has mass, therefore it has weight.

Give examples from daily life that air has weight?

air has weight

Does soda cause weight gain?

yes it does cause weight gain!